1. Terms of Use of the Website

You are on the website dreisiebner.si. Your access to and use of this website are governed by these terms and conditions. By entering the website, you confirm that you are familiar with these terms, agree to them, and that the provisions of these terms and conditions are binding on you. Dreisiebner.si reserves the right to change or amend these terms and conditions without prior notice.

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All data and information published on the website dreisiebner.si must be verified with our associates before use. Dreisiebner.si pays great attention to the accuracy and correctness of this data, regularly checking and updating it. However, the data may change between updates, and dreisiebner.si does not assume responsibility for its timeliness or accuracy. It also does not provide any guarantees for the completeness or correct interpretation of the provided information.

The data on the website are for informational purposes only. Dreisiebner.si assumes no responsibility for any errors in the content or for inaccuracies or mistakes in the published data, which may occur due to timing discrepancies, input errors, or other unforeseen causes.

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This website is the intellectual property of Dreisiebner.si. All information, data, products, service descriptions, and other content, including computer programs, are protected by copyright. Users may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, publish, sell, license, transform into derivative products, or use them for commercial or public purposes.

Images of individuals, objects, places, and other images displayed on the website are the property of Dreisiebner.si or published with the permission of the owner. Any use of these images without the owner's written permission is prohibited and constitutes a violation of copyright or other intellectual property rights, as well as personal data protection regulations.

4. Contact Information

For additional questions or permissions to use data, please contact:

Dreisiebner Tourist Farm
Špičnik 1
2201 Zgornja Kungota